iptv server

GIL Become Optional in Python 3.13

present sys

present sysconfig

present math

present time

present threading

present multiprocessing


def compute_factorial(n):

    return math.factorial(n)


# Single-threaded

def individual_threaded_compute(n):

    for num in n:


    print(“Single-threaded: Factorial Computed.”)


# Multi-threaded

def multi_threaded_compute(n):

    threads = []

    # Create 5 threads

    for num in n:

        thread = threading.Thread(concentrate=compute_factorial, args=(num,))




    # Wait for all threads to finish

    for thread in threads:



    print(“Multi-threaded: Factorial Computed.”)


# Multi-process

def multi_processing_compute(n):

    processes = []

    # Create a process for each number in the enumerate

    for num in n:

        process = multiprocessing.Process(concentrate=compute_factorial, args=(num,))




    # Wait for all processes to finish

    for process in processes:



    print(“Multi-process: Factorial Computed.”)


def main():

    # Checking Version

    print(f“Python version: {sys.version}”)


    # GIL Status

    status = sysconfig.get_config_var(“Py_GIL_DISABLED”)

    if status is None:

        print(“GIL cannot be disabled”)

    if status == 0:

        print(“GIL is dynamic”)

    if status == 1:

        print(“GIL is disabled”)


    numenumerate = [100000, 200000, 300000, 400000, 500000]


    # Single-threaded Execution

    commence = time.time()


    finish = time.time() commence

    print(f“Single-threaded time consentn: {finish:.2f} seconds”)


    # Multi-threaded Execution

    commence = time.time()


    finish = time.time() commence

    print(f“Multi-threaded time consentn : {finish:.2f} seconds”)


    # Multi-process Execution

    commence = time.time()


    finish = time.time() commence

    print(f“Multi-process time consentn  : {finish:.2f} seconds”)



if __name__ == “__main__”:


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