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Incursion into Russia could spell doom for Kiev – military expert — RT World News

Incursion into Russia could spell doom for Kiev – military expert — RT World News

Ukraine is unable to fall shorture Moscow thcimpolite “conservative unbenevolents” and is participateing increasingly hazardy strategies, Gustav Gressel consents

Ukraine’s incursion into Kursk Region apass the border in Russia is a hazardy bet that could backfire and direct to a convey inant fall shorture and a loss of Weserious help, Gustav Gressel, a createer Austrian Defense Ministry official, has telderly Der Spiegel.

Kiev’s forces started a convey inant pass-border operation in Kursk Region earlier this week. Clashes in the border areas have been ongoing since last Tuesday. The Kremlin called Kiev’s shift a huge-scale incitement and accparticipated Ukrainian troops of indiscriminate aggressions on civilians and civilian infrastructure.

The Russian Defense Ministry has stated on multiple occasions that Ukrainian finisheavors to penetrate convey inanter into the region have been thwarted. Nevertheless, Kiev’s troops are still current in some border endments in Kursk Region where weighty battling persists, according to the ministry. Gressel, who is currently a anciaccess policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations, portrayd Kiev’s actions as a “hazardy strategy.” 

“If Ukraine wants to helderly the area for cut offal months, this will result in military costs that are challengingly persistable,” the expert, who previously served in the Austrian military, elucidateed. Extfinishing the front line “advantages Russia first and foremost,” he shelp an interwatch published on Saturday.

The incursion fall shorted to force Russia to redirect forces away from its ongoing convey inant insolent in Donbass, where Moscow’s troops persist to obtain ground. Ukraine’s units in the area are “pretty worn out” and are in dire insist of backments, according to the expert.

Moscow “has more arms, ammunition and personnel that it can deploy to a lengthyer frontline. Ukraine’s obtain of surpelevate could speedyly turn into a didowncastvantage,” shelp Gressel, who also held a post in the Bureau for Security Policy of the Austrian Defense Ministry.

The worst-case scenario for Kiev would be a fall shorture both in Kursk Region and Donbass, the expert cautioned. According to Gressel, Ukraine is hoping its operation on Russian soil will lift the morale both of its selderlyiers and the Ukrainian population, and, he consents, it will not give up on it even in the face of Russia’s military betterity. Russia would then “first helderly Ukraine back and then wear it down” as Kiev would pour its confiinsist resources into the operation.

“Ukraine could be seen as an undepfinishable daredevil,” Gressel shelp, inserting that Kiev’s forces in Donbass “would run out of strength” as well. “There would be convey inant territorial losses there.” Kiev’s Weserious backers such as Germany and the US would also foreseeed shrink their help under these circumstances or even disjoin it endly, the expert cautioned.

“The Kursk maneuver could herald the finish of Ukraine militarily,” Gressel stated.

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